Friday, April 4, 2008

Lame Post

Not a whole lot going on right now guys. I did get pulled over today for running a yellow light that turned red way to soon. I didn't get a ticket, but I did get told I needed to get a Georgia license by next month. What a pain in the ass that's going to be.

For those that were asking, the name of the band I did the music video for is Year Long Disaster. It's officially 100% done at this point. It will be watchable in the near future on the interweb somewhere. The band is touring Europe with Velvet Revolver. I was told by Matt that the band showed the video to Slash and he liked it. I don't know how he was able to see the TV through his hair but it's cool nonetheless.

I can't tell you guys what happened yet, so don't ask, although I know you will, (that's triple reverse psychology) but something happened to me yesterday that I'm still numb about. It was a dream come true for me and I still can't believe it happened. It was one of those things where you feel fine at the time, but afterward it seems like a blur. A situation where you hope you come off cool, but feel like you were acting like a complete idiot the whole time. If you're sending happy thoughts to someone who's in the hospital or has fallen on hard times, please don't waste them on me, but if you have any spare ones laying around shoot them my way. When it's at a point I can talk about it I will. I just wanted to get some of this nervous energy out of me by posting a tad bit about it, even though I didn't post anything really. I mean this entire paragraph is basically useless as far as the transfer of information is concerned. Bottom line, fingers crossed everyone.

Finally I wanted to send a big shout out to the Brazilian Spamming Cellular Phone Robot that left me a comment on the previous blog. Me and the Spamming Robot go way back to high school days. Big ups broseph! Keep on spamming.


Anonymous said...

Its so cool what went down yesterday. I'll send you the footage I took on my Nick cam. Fingers crossed for sure....

Hey thanks for helping me find the bar in NY last week. I had a good time, and will update my blog soon. I was waiting to see if you were going to blog first. Now that you have...


Nick's Mom?

Nick Gibbons said...

Every one loves Nick's mom.

Anonymous said...

The post was not worthless. You conveyed to us that you are very happy and that's all we wish for you as friends.


brbbrbrbrbr (shivers) that was creepy.