It went really well, it's hard to say exactly how well it went over because that place isn't really set up for comedy bits. I did write some pretty funny material that seemed to get laughs. Plus I looked like a complete idiot and got to talk in a horrible Irish accent all night.

The best thing about performing with a Tiki themed cover band, is that they have hot hulu girls.

The lead singer, Mike, also does several acts and is involved in production of a monthly Burlesque show called The Dames Aflame. Nancy, my brother in law Ron, and I all went to the show this past Friday. It was a ton of fun and the show was great. Unfortunately, or fortunately, they do a bit in the middle of the show where they pull a "birthday boy" from the audience. The host sings to them and then shoves a cup cake covered in whipped cream in their face. Apparently that night it was my birthday. I was unknowingly set up by Mike. I had to go on stage and get man handled by the host. It was fun, but I still have whip cream in my nose.
Here's a beer raised to type casting!
Cream in your nose, eehhhh?
Nancy said it wasn't whipped cream.
Nothin like continuing ethnic stereotypes. You should have gone around trying to fight people for no reason with a box of Lucky Charms.
Sam, that would have been normal Nick, not Nick in character. When the Lucky Charms come out, you know the poo is going to hit the proverbial fan.
Very true, Dicky. He was still being racist to magical Irish midgets.
Personally I think any magical creature, who allegedly keeps a "pot of gold" at the "end of a RAINBOW" is a euphemism for a certain lifestyle choice, and it's conspiracy. I applaud Nick at feeling confident enough to put on their costume and wear it proudly in such a public setting as Trader Vic's.
not Nick's Mom?
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