Apparently quitting your job to follow a dream is very good, because everyone says congratulations and that they are proud of me. That still doesn't make since in my head, I'm still processing this response. I don't feel like I should be congratulated, in fact I feel like I should be shook and asked what the hell I am thinking. Every time I tell someone I quit my job so I could be an actor or writer, I feel like a total douche bag. A regular paycheck is great. Health insurance is even better. I feel like people should be consoling me. I think I'm going to start telling people about my situation like this:
"I quit a good paying job with benefits and health insurance to stay home and stare at a computer and hope I can think of a way to make money in one of the most competitive and soulless industries man has ever created."
OK OK, I'm being a little over the top, what can I say; I'm bored right now. Here is what an unemployed dude looks like when he takes a break from writing his one-man show.

Also I'm not wearing pants in this picture.
What about the pants?! TELL ME ABOUT THE PANTS!!!
No pants, huh? Why don't you lower the camera a bit. *wink, wink* Unless you haven't showered for days and then maybe I'll pass.
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