Nancy and I drove to Dallas last week to spend Christmas with my side of the family. We decided to board Chewy because last year she peed on one of my grandmothers beds, right in front of us and Grandma. That's balls.
My mom and dad bought a stocking full of dog toys for Chewy, but since she was locked up in dog prison in Atlanta, my parents couldn't enjoy watching her destroy their gift. We got home safe and sound. I decided to make a very special holiday video for my parents of Chewy enjoying one of the phallic shaped rubber bones. Don't watch this if your not my parents. Enjoy(that enjoy was only meant for my parents).
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Seasons Work Video
I made another video fro my office's facebook page. It turned out really cute, check it out below.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I made something for you
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Whats gourd for the goose...
Happy Halloween guys, it's time for the annual pumpkin update. As always mines on the left and Nancy's is on the right.

There's just something magical about plunging a large sharp knife into something, pulling out it's guts, then carving shapes onto it, without having to bleach the house and bury evidence.
That band from the 1990s LIVE is touring right now, so the radio keeps shoving their one song in my ear holes. The other morning while my ears were being force feed their sonic assualt entitled "Pain Lies by the Riverside", I made a dumb joke. I then felt compelled to take way to much time out of my day and conjure this joke into a tangible form. Please enjoy:
That's all I gots for you little ghouls and boils out there today, don't forget to wear reflective clothing and look out for razor blades in your apples.

There's just something magical about plunging a large sharp knife into something, pulling out it's guts, then carving shapes onto it, without having to bleach the house and bury evidence.
That band from the 1990s LIVE is touring right now, so the radio keeps shoving their one song in my ear holes. The other morning while my ears were being force feed their sonic assualt entitled "Pain Lies by the Riverside", I made a dumb joke. I then felt compelled to take way to much time out of my day and conjure this joke into a tangible form. Please enjoy:
That's all I gots for you little ghouls and boils out there today, don't forget to wear reflective clothing and look out for razor blades in your apples.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Inappropriate day
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Happiest Puke on Earth
We just got back from Disney World and boy is my wallet tired. I want to send a big shout out and fist bump to my buddy Randy and his lady Brecken, who made the trip possible. Brecken worked at Disney over the summer and thus had the ability to get us all into the parks free for 3 days AND half off our hotel room. Without that amazing deal we would have had to take out a second mortgage just to buy lunch in the parks.
Our trip was framed by vomit. The night before we left Chewy threw up on the couch, and our last day in the parks we witnessed no less than 5 throw up related events. As we pulled into the parking lot of the Animal Kingdom park, and walked toward the entrance, there was a little Asian girl puking on the sidewalk. She hadn't even made it to the park yet. I'm was affraid her head might explode if she actually got inside. On our way to the first ride we had to avoid stepping in a large pile of vomit waiting to be saw dusted. At lunch a little girl was hurling all over her table. The small pieces of her breakfast that now stained the front of pink T-shirt that read "princess" detracted slightly from her cuteness. Later in the day we had to avoid slipping in yet another large puddle of regurgitated park food. Finally, after a long day of park hopping, we were walking the last stretch of road to our hotel room, when we heard a child behind us start coughing, followed by the unmistakable sound of a stomach angrily tossing it's contents onto the ground. It's a Small Hurl After All.
We had tons of fun and I can't wait to go back.
I started tinkering around with the intro to the show I'm pitching. I wanted to do an animated animatic, which is just a storyboard with very limited movement. I did the very first shot, and am waiting on artwork for the rest, but I was so excited I just threw some words up where the storyboard panels will go. It ain't much, but it makes me smile:
Our trip was framed by vomit. The night before we left Chewy threw up on the couch, and our last day in the parks we witnessed no less than 5 throw up related events. As we pulled into the parking lot of the Animal Kingdom park, and walked toward the entrance, there was a little Asian girl puking on the sidewalk. She hadn't even made it to the park yet. I'm was affraid her head might explode if she actually got inside. On our way to the first ride we had to avoid stepping in a large pile of vomit waiting to be saw dusted. At lunch a little girl was hurling all over her table. The small pieces of her breakfast that now stained the front of pink T-shirt that read "princess" detracted slightly from her cuteness. Later in the day we had to avoid slipping in yet another large puddle of regurgitated park food. Finally, after a long day of park hopping, we were walking the last stretch of road to our hotel room, when we heard a child behind us start coughing, followed by the unmistakable sound of a stomach angrily tossing it's contents onto the ground. It's a Small Hurl After All.
We had tons of fun and I can't wait to go back.
I started tinkering around with the intro to the show I'm pitching. I wanted to do an animated animatic, which is just a storyboard with very limited movement. I did the very first shot, and am waiting on artwork for the rest, but I was so excited I just threw some words up where the storyboard panels will go. It ain't much, but it makes me smile:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Wheels on my career go round and round
I have been working on a script or two for a show I want to pitch around. It's a great concept and wide open for some terrific parody of all your favorite 1980's toys and cartoons based on toys. I'm not going to tell ya too much, I just wanted to post the awesome picture my good buddy Todd Redner drew for me.
What I need is someone with clout to attach themselves to this project so I can get traction. I have no problem getting pitch meetings, but the industry is such that no matter how good your show might be, unless you have someone like Andy Dick attached, you won't get a second look.
So where my famous peeps? Lets get to show creatin'!
Here are the networks this show is good for, just in case you stumbled on this and you work for them,
Adult Swim
Comedy Central
and of course Lifetime for Women
What I need is someone with clout to attach themselves to this project so I can get traction. I have no problem getting pitch meetings, but the industry is such that no matter how good your show might be, unless you have someone like Andy Dick attached, you won't get a second look.
So where my famous peeps? Lets get to show creatin'!
Here are the networks this show is good for, just in case you stumbled on this and you work for them,
Adult Swim
Comedy Central
and of course Lifetime for Women
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Me and the wife got super excited about halloween and decorated our house before october even got here. If you're super brave you can watch the video of the outcome below:
I hope you didn't faint from fright after watching that video. I did warn you.
Here is a video to cleanse your palette after the last one. It's another video I made for my works Facebook page. It turned out super cute to the max.
If you aren't their fan on Facebook please click here, then look at the very top of the screen for a button that says "like" and click that shit super hard! Please leave us some comments and like our videos, I want my boss to keep paying me to write and produce funny videos to entertain my mom. Thanks!
I hope you didn't faint from fright after watching that video. I did warn you.
Here is a video to cleanse your palette after the last one. It's another video I made for my works Facebook page. It turned out super cute to the max.
If you aren't their fan on Facebook please click here, then look at the very top of the screen for a button that says "like" and click that shit super hard! Please leave us some comments and like our videos, I want my boss to keep paying me to write and produce funny videos to entertain my mom. Thanks!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Trim Down
I wanted to trim down. Not my waste line silly, that would require diet and exercise, screw me a whole lot of that crap! I meant my website. After much soul searching I decided to lose the side bar and just have the blog front and center. I think its just simpler and sleeker, I'm sure all 3 people that read my blog are thrilled.
If you really want to see pictures of me, be my friend on facebook.
Not much else going on right now, just wanted to tell you not to freak out when you see that the site looks different. Calm down, everything will be OK. At least until the zombies get here...
I just figured out that by changing what i changed I screwed up a lot of other stuff, so i have to change it back for the time being. Who likes change anyway?
If you really want to see pictures of me, be my friend on facebook.
Not much else going on right now, just wanted to tell you not to freak out when you see that the site looks different. Calm down, everything will be OK. At least until the zombies get here...
I just figured out that by changing what i changed I screwed up a lot of other stuff, so i have to change it back for the time being. Who likes change anyway?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Nick's Impromptu Guide to NY
Last weekend Nancy went to New York to participate in a cancer walk with one of her best friends. I decided to tag along. I hadn't been to the big apple in about two years. Nancy did a lot of research and found out that renting some ones apartment for the weekend was about half as much as getting a hotel room. The only down side is sharing the single bed with the people who live there.
She found a great little studio in the heart of Greenwich Village. Here was the view from our room:

I'm so used to just seeing feet go by our window in New York this confused me.
As I get older my midsection seems to be expanding. I think it may have become self aware, because I very strategically planned my trip around the old restaurants I used to frequent. If you are visiting NY, here are my suggestions for places to eat.
Mexican Radio - Get the Plantain Relleños with beef.
Saigon Grill - Points of Interests: Curry Ga, Goi Cuon Tom, Steamed Crystal Dumplings, La Sa Ga and wash it all down with a Lychee Martini

Two Boots Pizza - Best Slice in the City

Pomodoro Rosso - Our Favorite Italian place in the city, try the Tortelloni Panna E Piselli or the Rigatoni Alla Riicotta.
Katz's Deli - I know this is pretty touristy, but holy crap is it good. Pastrami on Rye, potato salad a beer and you can sleep the rest of the day.

It's difficult because there are only 1 or 2 bars in the city, but if you're vigilant and look very closely you can find a place to grab a beer. One of my favorite places to go is McSorely's.

They only have two beers to choose from, light or dark and they serve you two small glasses when you order one. It's one of the oldest bars in the city and has a pretty hefty lineage. I suggest going there during the day and hanging out for a bit when you need a break from walking around.
My favorite thing to do in the city is to just walk around. It's unlike anything you'll ever experience. The buildings are awe inspiring. The people are more than often confusing as hell. The seemingly endless city sprawl is breathtaking. The sudden unexplainable horrific smells of urine and feces that smack your nose in the face are always new and different.
The best areas to just take it all in are Union Square and just south of Union Square.

Greenwich Village and the docks are great as well.

They just finished this great elevated pathway/park along the lower west side called High Line Park.
Another great part to walk around is SoHo. There's lots of great stores and stuff down there like Kid Robot.

If you've never been to New York City definitely check out Times Square. We avoid it like a Carrot Top show.
We had a blast on the trip and it was good to see a lot of my old friends. I do miss certain aspects of living in the city. Time and distance definitely paint the city in a glowing romantic light. After thinking about it though, I realize that we were staying right in the heart of the city and weren't that worried about the money we were spending on restaurants, because it was a vacation. Living there takes away those tropes. With the chore of riding a crowded subway at rush hour and paying large sums of money for 7 square foot apartment not looming over your head, the city is much more magical.
Before I left for New York, I forced a friend of mine at Radical Axis, Jason Barnes, to draw a caricature of me.

I'm not sure wether to hug him or slug him.
Finally I made another video for the Radical Axis Facebook Page! Please enjoy, and if you aren't a fan yet please click the clicky thing on the page.
Oh yeah, one more thing. If you happened to be an exec at a network looking for a funny, over the top, violent, and irreverent animated show to produce for 18 to 27 year olds thats a cross between Futurama and the Venture Bros. Might I suggest THIS.
She found a great little studio in the heart of Greenwich Village. Here was the view from our room:
I'm so used to just seeing feet go by our window in New York this confused me.
As I get older my midsection seems to be expanding. I think it may have become self aware, because I very strategically planned my trip around the old restaurants I used to frequent. If you are visiting NY, here are my suggestions for places to eat.
Mexican Radio - Get the Plantain Relleños with beef.
Saigon Grill - Points of Interests: Curry Ga, Goi Cuon Tom, Steamed Crystal Dumplings, La Sa Ga and wash it all down with a Lychee Martini
Two Boots Pizza - Best Slice in the City
Pomodoro Rosso - Our Favorite Italian place in the city, try the Tortelloni Panna E Piselli or the Rigatoni Alla Riicotta.
Katz's Deli - I know this is pretty touristy, but holy crap is it good. Pastrami on Rye, potato salad a beer and you can sleep the rest of the day.
It's difficult because there are only 1 or 2 bars in the city, but if you're vigilant and look very closely you can find a place to grab a beer. One of my favorite places to go is McSorely's.
They only have two beers to choose from, light or dark and they serve you two small glasses when you order one. It's one of the oldest bars in the city and has a pretty hefty lineage. I suggest going there during the day and hanging out for a bit when you need a break from walking around.
My favorite thing to do in the city is to just walk around. It's unlike anything you'll ever experience. The buildings are awe inspiring. The people are more than often confusing as hell. The seemingly endless city sprawl is breathtaking. The sudden unexplainable horrific smells of urine and feces that smack your nose in the face are always new and different.
The best areas to just take it all in are Union Square and just south of Union Square.

Greenwich Village and the docks are great as well.

They just finished this great elevated pathway/park along the lower west side called High Line Park.
Another great part to walk around is SoHo. There's lots of great stores and stuff down there like Kid Robot.

If you've never been to New York City definitely check out Times Square. We avoid it like a Carrot Top show.
We had a blast on the trip and it was good to see a lot of my old friends. I do miss certain aspects of living in the city. Time and distance definitely paint the city in a glowing romantic light. After thinking about it though, I realize that we were staying right in the heart of the city and weren't that worried about the money we were spending on restaurants, because it was a vacation. Living there takes away those tropes. With the chore of riding a crowded subway at rush hour and paying large sums of money for 7 square foot apartment not looming over your head, the city is much more magical.
Before I left for New York, I forced a friend of mine at Radical Axis, Jason Barnes, to draw a caricature of me.

I'm not sure wether to hug him or slug him.
Finally I made another video for the Radical Axis Facebook Page! Please enjoy, and if you aren't a fan yet please click the clicky thing on the page.
Oh yeah, one more thing. If you happened to be an exec at a network looking for a funny, over the top, violent, and irreverent animated show to produce for 18 to 27 year olds thats a cross between Futurama and the Venture Bros. Might I suggest THIS.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Radical Axis got to go to Dragon*Con this past Friday to sit in and watch the Adult Swim panel. I've never been and had no idea what was in store for me. It was literally one of the craziest Cons I've ever been a part of. I'm surprised my face didn't freeze in the "confused look" I must have made hundreds of times that day. I never knew spandex could stretch so far. It was like Halloween on steroids, dipped in a boiling hot vat of nerds and B.O.
My favorite part was the malls food court. It was full of Mario Bros, anime characters, and other various costumed people scarfing down hot dogs and pizza slices. It sort of ruined/enhanced the illusion.
The night before the Con me and Nancy went to see our buddy Big Mike sing at Trader Vics. He performs there every Tursday night and it's always fun, but with Dragon*Con in town the insane-o-meter is amped up all the way. The best part of the night was seeing Luke Perry. I couldn't be bothered to approach him and ask for a picture, so I paparazzi'd his ass.
Fun fact, the actual date that this picture was taken, no joke, was 09/02/10. I think the Aztecs predicted this photo.
Here I am with Unknown Hinson, the voice of Early from Squidbillies.
He's super nice and sang some really funny songs on the Adult Swim Panel. Every Dragon*Con my friend John J. comes down from a mysterious and dangerous land called New Jersey to promote his Adult Swim fansite, Adult Swim Central. I got to sit in on the Adult Swim fan panel with John J., Ashley and Mark. Mark runs the Venture Bros. fan blog. We had over 50 people crammed into a small room that wanted to hear us not be able to answer any of their questions because none of us actually work for Adult Swim. It was great!
I basically goofed off on the panel and tried to entertain the audience with my brand of shenanigans. I found a box of breakfast bars under the table when we sat down so I started chunking them into the audience. I know what people want. Toward the end I made one of the people in the front row ask me a question:
The Con was great fun and I highly recommend it for anyone who likes to look at weird stuff for three days. You will not be disappointed. Now here is a video I made for Radicals Facebook page about the Con.
My favorite part was the malls food court. It was full of Mario Bros, anime characters, and other various costumed people scarfing down hot dogs and pizza slices. It sort of ruined/enhanced the illusion.
The night before the Con me and Nancy went to see our buddy Big Mike sing at Trader Vics. He performs there every Tursday night and it's always fun, but with Dragon*Con in town the insane-o-meter is amped up all the way. The best part of the night was seeing Luke Perry. I couldn't be bothered to approach him and ask for a picture, so I paparazzi'd his ass.
Fun fact, the actual date that this picture was taken, no joke, was 09/02/10. I think the Aztecs predicted this photo.
Here I am with Unknown Hinson, the voice of Early from Squidbillies.
He's super nice and sang some really funny songs on the Adult Swim Panel. Every Dragon*Con my friend John J. comes down from a mysterious and dangerous land called New Jersey to promote his Adult Swim fansite, Adult Swim Central. I got to sit in on the Adult Swim fan panel with John J., Ashley and Mark. Mark runs the Venture Bros. fan blog. We had over 50 people crammed into a small room that wanted to hear us not be able to answer any of their questions because none of us actually work for Adult Swim. It was great!
I basically goofed off on the panel and tried to entertain the audience with my brand of shenanigans. I found a box of breakfast bars under the table when we sat down so I started chunking them into the audience. I know what people want. Toward the end I made one of the people in the front row ask me a question:
The Con was great fun and I highly recommend it for anyone who likes to look at weird stuff for three days. You will not be disappointed. Now here is a video I made for Radicals Facebook page about the Con.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Radical Videos
We've been making silly videos for the Radical Axis facebook page the past couple of weeks. I'm just glad I am getting the chance to flex my funny and creative muscles. Here are the last two we made. Super cute and I get naked. I know, it's like eating a slice of heaven dipped in rainbow unicorn sprinkles.
Friday, August 20, 2010
This is a blog entry
Hey guys, hope everyone on the internet is doing well. I've been super busy at work putting together pitch material for jobs we are bidding on. There is some fantastic talent here at the old Radical Axis for sure.
I also helped a buddy of mine out with some sort of fan film thing. I'm still not sure what it is to be honest, but I got to recreate a scene from Top Gun.
Did a show with my buddy Randy at Dad's Garage last night where we played our two motivational speaker characters. We have wanted to do an improv show with these guys for a long time. The show was great, just a lot of fun. It was pretty much thrown together in a week, and needs a lot of polish, but damn was it fun. It's a little late now, but here's a trailer we shot a while back and repurposed it for this show:
Saw Scott Pilgrim and can't recommend it enough. You don't need to know anything about video games, pop culture, hipsters, or anything to see it. It's just a lot of fun, unless you hate fun. I feel like people aren't seeing the film because they think they have to have a weird understanding of nerd culture or something. Not the case. Go see it, I want Edgar Wright to make more films.
I missed a payment on my AT&T phone/cable bill. In an attempt to set things right I tried to call AT&T, who, correct me if I'm wrong, is, first and foremost, a telephone company. I scoured their website for 10 to 20 minutes before I could find a number to call. It shouldn't be this hard to find a telephone number for a phone company. It was like an Indiana Jones movie. I felt like I was in search of a buried artifact or something. I did have to decipher hieroglyphics and fight a statue that came to life, but eventually I got the number.
After waiting a while, a woman answered. I'm assuming she was excited, with the number so hard to find she probably never gets called. I asked to get the balance on my account and she asked for some strange 4 digit number that I didn't know. Apparently over a year ago I set that up. I'm reasonably intelligent, but I have slept since then and wasn't able to recall this mystery number, even after trying 3 of the go to numbers that I always choose for this sort of thing. She can't open my account without this number so the next option was to answer a question. The question was what was, "my favorite restaurant?". I do not now nor have I ever had a favorite restaurant, and having to recall what that might have been over a year ago proved to be an epic failure.
Her hands were tied at this point, and we had to part ways, billing problem unresolved. You would think with the myriad of information that I do possess about myself, we could have found some common ground. But no, it was that 4 digit number or my favorite restaurant. Those were the only bits of info that would have proven I wasn't some crazy guy that wanted to pay some other dudes bill. I mean I wanted to give them money, you would think they would bend over backwards to take money. It's money after-all.
I gotta go to lunch.
I also helped a buddy of mine out with some sort of fan film thing. I'm still not sure what it is to be honest, but I got to recreate a scene from Top Gun.
Did a show with my buddy Randy at Dad's Garage last night where we played our two motivational speaker characters. We have wanted to do an improv show with these guys for a long time. The show was great, just a lot of fun. It was pretty much thrown together in a week, and needs a lot of polish, but damn was it fun. It's a little late now, but here's a trailer we shot a while back and repurposed it for this show:
Saw Scott Pilgrim and can't recommend it enough. You don't need to know anything about video games, pop culture, hipsters, or anything to see it. It's just a lot of fun, unless you hate fun. I feel like people aren't seeing the film because they think they have to have a weird understanding of nerd culture or something. Not the case. Go see it, I want Edgar Wright to make more films.
I missed a payment on my AT&T phone/cable bill. In an attempt to set things right I tried to call AT&T, who, correct me if I'm wrong, is, first and foremost, a telephone company. I scoured their website for 10 to 20 minutes before I could find a number to call. It shouldn't be this hard to find a telephone number for a phone company. It was like an Indiana Jones movie. I felt like I was in search of a buried artifact or something. I did have to decipher hieroglyphics and fight a statue that came to life, but eventually I got the number.
After waiting a while, a woman answered. I'm assuming she was excited, with the number so hard to find she probably never gets called. I asked to get the balance on my account and she asked for some strange 4 digit number that I didn't know. Apparently over a year ago I set that up. I'm reasonably intelligent, but I have slept since then and wasn't able to recall this mystery number, even after trying 3 of the go to numbers that I always choose for this sort of thing. She can't open my account without this number so the next option was to answer a question. The question was what was, "my favorite restaurant?". I do not now nor have I ever had a favorite restaurant, and having to recall what that might have been over a year ago proved to be an epic failure.
Her hands were tied at this point, and we had to part ways, billing problem unresolved. You would think with the myriad of information that I do possess about myself, we could have found some common ground. But no, it was that 4 digit number or my favorite restaurant. Those were the only bits of info that would have proven I wasn't some crazy guy that wanted to pay some other dudes bill. I mean I wanted to give them money, you would think they would bend over backwards to take money. It's money after-all.
I gotta go to lunch.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
You can never have too many explosions!
A while back I was asked to write and produce a video piece for my current place of employmenet, Radical Axis Inc. The guys had a panel at the San Diego Comic-Con and wanted something fun to show. I got to work and with the help of the extremely talented folks here at Radical, we put together this:
I think the trailer turned out great, the guys in it are all my bosses.
That amazing voice over is none other than Big Mike Geier, and if you happen to live in Atlanta, you owe it to yourself to go to his Elvis show. They only happen about twice a year and they are amazing.
I think the trailer turned out great, the guys in it are all my bosses.
That amazing voice over is none other than Big Mike Geier, and if you happen to live in Atlanta, you owe it to yourself to go to his Elvis show. They only happen about twice a year and they are amazing.
Monday, July 26, 2010
This past weekend was super busy. My friend Clay Liford, an independent film maker in Dallas, asked me to play a roll in his latest feature. The title keeps changing, but as of right now it's called "WUSS", and no it isn't my life story.
On the plane to Dallas I sat beside one of the characters I play in the Night-OH-Cabaret, Shekkie Bergman's, doppelgänger. Here is a picture of Shekkie:

And here is my secret photo of his twin.

Sorry for the quality. It does have that Big Foot captured in the wild feel, which is cool. This dude even had a huge gold-nugget watch, an enormous diamond encrusted ring, and a gold chain. I felt like I owed him some sort of reimbursement check.
Back to the film. I think originally I had a much bigger role, but scheduling and the fact that I live in Atlanta might have shrunk my part. We had several talks about the script over the past couple weeks. I was supposed to be a character named Ted, so I had started learning Ted's lines.
Unfortunately there was a pretty hefty re-write that added new characters to my scenes. Half my lines were re-issued to new characters. I noticed there was a new character named Nick in the script which confused me, but I continued to learn Ted's lines.
I flew in Wednesday and that night, in a bar around 11 o'clock, Clay told me I was playing Nick, not Ted. The shoot was the next day and I was nervous that I wouldn't know Nick's lines by then, so I woke up early and looked over the script. 1... 2... 3... three lines. I went from several lines to 3 lines. A lot of actors might be sad about losing so many lines, but i was relieved.
Here I am with my scene partner Frank.

All our scenes where around a D&D game. I've never played any role playing games before. We also had to smoke fake weed. I'm just glad we didn't get fake raided by the fake DEA and thrown into fake jail.
The shoot took place in a house, I found a room with lost of ducks:
The entire shoot was 13 hours. It was fun and everyone on the shoot was great. I can't wait to see the final film. I really owned my three lines, I wouldn't be surprised if I get an Oscar nod for best supporting supporting supporting supporting actor.
On the plane to Dallas I sat beside one of the characters I play in the Night-OH-Cabaret, Shekkie Bergman's, doppelgänger. Here is a picture of Shekkie:

And here is my secret photo of his twin.

Sorry for the quality. It does have that Big Foot captured in the wild feel, which is cool. This dude even had a huge gold-nugget watch, an enormous diamond encrusted ring, and a gold chain. I felt like I owed him some sort of reimbursement check.
Back to the film. I think originally I had a much bigger role, but scheduling and the fact that I live in Atlanta might have shrunk my part. We had several talks about the script over the past couple weeks. I was supposed to be a character named Ted, so I had started learning Ted's lines.
Unfortunately there was a pretty hefty re-write that added new characters to my scenes. Half my lines were re-issued to new characters. I noticed there was a new character named Nick in the script which confused me, but I continued to learn Ted's lines.
I flew in Wednesday and that night, in a bar around 11 o'clock, Clay told me I was playing Nick, not Ted. The shoot was the next day and I was nervous that I wouldn't know Nick's lines by then, so I woke up early and looked over the script. 1... 2... 3... three lines. I went from several lines to 3 lines. A lot of actors might be sad about losing so many lines, but i was relieved.
Here I am with my scene partner Frank.
All our scenes where around a D&D game. I've never played any role playing games before. We also had to smoke fake weed. I'm just glad we didn't get fake raided by the fake DEA and thrown into fake jail.
The shoot took place in a house, I found a room with lost of ducks:
The entire shoot was 13 hours. It was fun and everyone on the shoot was great. I can't wait to see the final film. I really owned my three lines, I wouldn't be surprised if I get an Oscar nod for best supporting supporting supporting supporting actor.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Birthday America, did you get my card?
In honor of the 4th of July, here's a video of me being attacked by Uncle Sam:
I didn't get a call on Thursday telling me I won the Butterfinger contest, I guess you guys didn't pray hard enough. Oh well.
In an attempt to drown my sorrows I made a video of my Dog, Chewy, enjoy.
I didn't get a call on Thursday telling me I won the Butterfinger contest, I guess you guys didn't pray hard enough. Oh well.
In an attempt to drown my sorrows I made a video of my Dog, Chewy, enjoy.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I'll cut off your finger bitch!
I've never been to comicon, and I really want to go. But I don't want to pay for it. In an attempt to make that happen I made a silly video for a butterfinger contest. The prize is a trip to comicon.
The contest was to make a video that showcased a talent in an attempt to become the fourth member of the Butterfinger Defense League. I hope I win, but I don't know what will be expected of me if I get into the "League". Will there be meetings, dues, or will I have to fight people just trying to buy butterfingers? Only time will tell.
The contest was to make a video that showcased a talent in an attempt to become the fourth member of the Butterfinger Defense League. I hope I win, but I don't know what will be expected of me if I get into the "League". Will there be meetings, dues, or will I have to fight people just trying to buy butterfingers? Only time will tell.
Drunk Ghosts
Now that the tiki hut is finished, me and the little lady and the littler lady have enjoyed many a night out there with friends, food, and our favorite libations. The other night however, our fun time took a terrifying turn for the scary. We were visited be alcoholic ghosts. Don't believe me? Here is a the video to prove it. No editing tricks or special effects were used in this video:
Friday, June 11, 2010
Crotchtastic Conclusion
I got 1000 views on the second episode of Radioactive Crotch Man!!! Kind of... I may or may not have reloaded the page a couple times to get it over the 1000 mark... allegedly...
As promised here's the third and final episode ever made of your favorite atomic crotch powered superhero! This is my favorite episode and I kinda wish I had done more of these, this is the one character I think could have made it onto TV if the timing had been right.
The offer still stands for J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, the Farely Brothers, Adam McKay or Seth MacFarlane to snap up the motion picture rights for this diamond in the rough.
As promised here's the third and final episode ever made of your favorite atomic crotch powered superhero! This is my favorite episode and I kinda wish I had done more of these, this is the one character I think could have made it onto TV if the timing had been right.
The offer still stands for J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, the Farely Brothers, Adam McKay or Seth MacFarlane to snap up the motion picture rights for this diamond in the rough.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Radioactive Sequel
I'm sure J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, the Farely Brothers, Adam McKay and Seth MacFarlane are just talking to their lawyers and producers, firming up an offer for this property. While we all wait to find out which one of these talented and able directors will helm this property for the big screen, I thought I'd post the 2nd episode.
This episode features my best friend Sam Mertes as the bad guy. He did a great job, I love that guy. My favorite part is the diaper of doom still in the credits.
If you have a facebook page or twitter account please share this video, I'm not going to post the last episode unless this one gets at least 1000 views.
Thanks, and if any of you guys know J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, the Farely Brothers, Adam McKay or Seth MacFarlane, please let them know that I'm looking for them.
This episode features my best friend Sam Mertes as the bad guy. He did a great job, I love that guy. My favorite part is the diaper of doom still in the credits.
If you have a facebook page or twitter account please share this video, I'm not going to post the last episode unless this one gets at least 1000 views.
Thanks, and if any of you guys know J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, the Farely Brothers, Adam McKay or Seth MacFarlane, please let them know that I'm looking for them.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Is this an audience or an intervention?
Did improv at Relapse theater last night with a great bunch of improv cats called Automatic Improv. I love those guys, so much energy and love for the craft. It's always a ton of fun to share the stage with them. Last night there wasn't a whole lot of people in the audience, but it was still fun.
I checked with AT&T, and my cel phone is working, so I'm confused why I haven't heard from J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, the Farely Brothers, Adam McKay or Seth MacFarlane yet. I mean come on guys, If this movie is going to hit the big screen summer 2011, we gotta get going. I have some great ideas on how to shoot the scene where Dick Peters uses the bathroom for the first time after getting hit in the crotch with that meteor, slicing the urinal in half with his laser piss.
We haven't even talked about the hysterical scene where the construction worker is trapped under the huge statue, and Radioactive Crotch Man rams his crotch over and over against the statue to shatter it, but the best part is he does it into the butt part of the statue. There will be so many LOL's during that scene let me tell you.
I'll keep working on the screenplay on my own, but it would be nice to have a contract in play.
I checked with AT&T, and my cel phone is working, so I'm confused why I haven't heard from J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, the Farely Brothers, Adam McKay or Seth MacFarlane yet. I mean come on guys, If this movie is going to hit the big screen summer 2011, we gotta get going. I have some great ideas on how to shoot the scene where Dick Peters uses the bathroom for the first time after getting hit in the crotch with that meteor, slicing the urinal in half with his laser piss.
We haven't even talked about the hysterical scene where the construction worker is trapped under the huge statue, and Radioactive Crotch Man rams his crotch over and over against the statue to shatter it, but the best part is he does it into the butt part of the statue. There will be so many LOL's during that scene let me tell you.
I'll keep working on the screenplay on my own, but it would be nice to have a contract in play.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Still waiting to here from J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, the Farely Brothers, Adam McKay or Seth MacFarlane about making the Radioactive Crotch Man feature film. It practically writes itself for goodness sake. Just imagine the "awakening" scenes, when our hero's new abilities start to come to light. Is he in a Starbuck's and his crotch starts glowing, humming perhaps? How does he deal with it and not look like a perverted freak? It's slapstick 101 gold! GOLD!!!!!!
While I'm waiting to strike a deal with one of those amazing film makers, I decided to post the old Night-OH-Cabaret documentary I made back in 2000. We had been doing the show for a little over 2 years at this point, with about 100 something shows under our belts. We thought it would be fun to do a little video. Nothing was planned ahead of time, we just sat everyone down and asked them questions. I was amazed to find in the editing room that common threads were woven throughout the interviews, totally by accident. The final product turned out really adorable.
Lets hop in our time machines and visit the past:
Sorry about the ads, this was the only site that let me upload a clip longer than 10 minutes.
While I'm waiting to strike a deal with one of those amazing film makers, I decided to post the old Night-OH-Cabaret documentary I made back in 2000. We had been doing the show for a little over 2 years at this point, with about 100 something shows under our belts. We thought it would be fun to do a little video. Nothing was planned ahead of time, we just sat everyone down and asked them questions. I was amazed to find in the editing room that common threads were woven throughout the interviews, totally by accident. The final product turned out really adorable.
Lets hop in our time machines and visit the past:
Sorry about the ads, this was the only site that let me upload a clip longer than 10 minutes.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Future Summer Blockbuster
This is an open letter to J.J. Abrams, Judd Apatow, The Farely Brothers, Adam McKay and Seth MacFarlane.
Dear Guys,
I'm open for negotiations to the rights of the amazing character/concept that is "Radioactive Crotch Man". This is screaming to be made into a major motion picture, in 3-D no less. You can't tell me that any of you guys wouldn't want bragging rights about making the longest dick joke in history.
Just imagine Adam Sandler ,Seth Rogan or Jim Carey, as mild mannered hot dog vender, Dick Peters. Dick has been dealt a bad hand and his life seems to be in the toilet. Until the day when he is hit in the crotch by a meteor, that imbues his nether regions with strange super powers. Using his new found "gifts" he cleans up his home town and gets the girl of his dreams.
Sure the crotch jokes would come fast and furiously, but there is plenty of room for a well written and thoughtfully developed twist on the super hero genre. Curiosity alone will net you 50 million the first weekend, guaranteed. That 18 to 34 year old male audience is dying for something like this.
So lets get the ball rolling, you can call me any time of the day or night. Looking forward to working with one of you lucky lucky guys.
Nick Gibbons
Dear Guys,
I'm open for negotiations to the rights of the amazing character/concept that is "Radioactive Crotch Man". This is screaming to be made into a major motion picture, in 3-D no less. You can't tell me that any of you guys wouldn't want bragging rights about making the longest dick joke in history.
Just imagine Adam Sandler ,Seth Rogan or Jim Carey, as mild mannered hot dog vender, Dick Peters. Dick has been dealt a bad hand and his life seems to be in the toilet. Until the day when he is hit in the crotch by a meteor, that imbues his nether regions with strange super powers. Using his new found "gifts" he cleans up his home town and gets the girl of his dreams.
Sure the crotch jokes would come fast and furiously, but there is plenty of room for a well written and thoughtfully developed twist on the super hero genre. Curiosity alone will net you 50 million the first weekend, guaranteed. That 18 to 34 year old male audience is dying for something like this.
So lets get the ball rolling, you can call me any time of the day or night. Looking forward to working with one of you lucky lucky guys.
Nick Gibbons
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Lights, Camera, LIGHTS!
Time to mix the cocktails and fire up the grill! The Tiki Hut is wired up and ready for business, MONKEY business that is.
Here's a picture before I put in the mandatory christmas lights:

And here's a fun video:
Also, I was in my boxer shorts when I made this video, just thought you needed to know that.
Here's a picture before I put in the mandatory christmas lights:

And here's a fun video:
Also, I was in my boxer shorts when I made this video, just thought you needed to know that.
Son of a Ditch
You know when you complain about your job and someone says, "It's better than digging ditches." And then you think, "Shut the fuck up Frank, you stupid jerk." Well I'm here to tell you Frank was right. I dug a 60 foot long 8 inch deep trench, and it sucked donkey balls dipped in pig shit.
Here is a video midway through, brace yourself ladies, I'm all sweating. It's almost too sexy to show.
Sorry ladies I'm spoken for...
Here is a video midway through, brace yourself ladies, I'm all sweating. It's almost too sexy to show.
Sorry ladies I'm spoken for...
Monday, May 10, 2010
Look guys, it's an old fashion word covered blog. No links, movies, or pictures, just hieroglyphic like symbols that all string together into a story. You may even have to hire someone to transcribe this blog to you, like Indiana Jones.
It's been a while since I sat down and let my fingers do the talking. I hope they have something interesting to say. Usually when I let my fingers do the talking, it involves just one of them, and I'm driving. Speaking of the bird and driving, I just wanted to send a shake of the head, a disapproving scowl, and a short message to the dude on the bicycle this morning. Dude! If your going to ride your bike in the middle of the road and not let people go around, it is rude as fuck balls to get to a traffic light and pass all the cars that are waiting for the light to change. I, with a clear conscience and zen state of mind, do, with all sincerity, hope that your chain gets caught in your pant leg. Ah, I feel better.
Happy belated mothers day to all you mothers out there. My parents flew into Atlanta this weekend, so I got to hand my mothers day card directly to my mother. It saved me 44 cents! It was the first time they had seen our new house and the sweet ass tiki hut I built.
They stayed at a hotel since we don't have a bed in our guest room yet. Both Saturday and Sunday we snuck into their hotel and all enjoyed a nice free continental breakfast. We all felt so very continental. It's was exciting being a breakfast bandit. Nothing taste better than free Belgian waffles.
On Saturday we grabbed the dog and all went for a hike at Sweetwater State Park. The park is great. It's got raging rapids, a burned down warehouse from the civil war, and a 5 foot black snake that scared the bejesus out of us. I'm not guaranteeing you'll see the snake too, but it was headed east.
That night we grilled some meat and relaxed. It was a great day. Sunday my Dad helped get me started on hooking up an electrical line down to the tiki hut, so we can have lights and plug in blenders to make fruity tropical drinks. Thanks for making sure I didn't kill myself dad. After my parents left to go back to Dallas, I started digging the 60 foot long 8 inch ditch from the house to the tiki hut to bury the wire. I dug for 3 hours, and today my body is really pissed at me.
That's it for now boys and girls. Go see Iron Man 2, it has Scarlett Johanson in it. They tell me there were other actors as well, but I don't remember seeing them.
It's been a while since I sat down and let my fingers do the talking. I hope they have something interesting to say. Usually when I let my fingers do the talking, it involves just one of them, and I'm driving. Speaking of the bird and driving, I just wanted to send a shake of the head, a disapproving scowl, and a short message to the dude on the bicycle this morning. Dude! If your going to ride your bike in the middle of the road and not let people go around, it is rude as fuck balls to get to a traffic light and pass all the cars that are waiting for the light to change. I, with a clear conscience and zen state of mind, do, with all sincerity, hope that your chain gets caught in your pant leg. Ah, I feel better.
Happy belated mothers day to all you mothers out there. My parents flew into Atlanta this weekend, so I got to hand my mothers day card directly to my mother. It saved me 44 cents! It was the first time they had seen our new house and the sweet ass tiki hut I built.
They stayed at a hotel since we don't have a bed in our guest room yet. Both Saturday and Sunday we snuck into their hotel and all enjoyed a nice free continental breakfast. We all felt so very continental. It's was exciting being a breakfast bandit. Nothing taste better than free Belgian waffles.
On Saturday we grabbed the dog and all went for a hike at Sweetwater State Park. The park is great. It's got raging rapids, a burned down warehouse from the civil war, and a 5 foot black snake that scared the bejesus out of us. I'm not guaranteeing you'll see the snake too, but it was headed east.
That night we grilled some meat and relaxed. It was a great day. Sunday my Dad helped get me started on hooking up an electrical line down to the tiki hut, so we can have lights and plug in blenders to make fruity tropical drinks. Thanks for making sure I didn't kill myself dad. After my parents left to go back to Dallas, I started digging the 60 foot long 8 inch ditch from the house to the tiki hut to bury the wire. I dug for 3 hours, and today my body is really pissed at me.
That's it for now boys and girls. Go see Iron Man 2, it has Scarlett Johanson in it. They tell me there were other actors as well, but I don't remember seeing them.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Using My Hands
I got the honor of lending my voice and likeness to a character on an Episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force recently. The character I played was named Nick Gibbons, so it wasn't a real stretch. The episode was called Hands on a Hamburger. It was like one of those contests where everyone has to keep one hand on a car and the last one left wins the car, but instead of a car it was a huge hamburger. Here's the clip:
I know, I know, very impressive work. I am extremely talented after all.
Also don't miss Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Adult Swim! Their 100th episode is coming up next week, and I helped edit it a little bit.
I know, I know, very impressive work. I am extremely talented after all.
Also don't miss Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Adult Swim! Their 100th episode is coming up next week, and I helped edit it a little bit.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Oh Nick, what a cut up
Here's me goofing off in the truck:
Here's me goofing off in the public storage place:
I love my iPhone!
Here's me goofing off in the public storage place:
I love my iPhone!
Monday, April 12, 2010
I am officially the best husband in the entire world.* I drove a 26 foot Penske truck full of my in-laws furniture from Dallas to Atlanta. Not only did I loose 10 years off my life from white knuckling the 14 hour drive, I moved my in-laws from 767 miles away to just 1 mile away. The new definition for "Glutton for Punishment" is "Nick Gibbons" Look it up.
Here is the monster that I was inside of for 14 hours:

What of the Tiki Shack you ask? Here it is below:
Also go here and get tickets for the Last Seen Improv Festival this weekend. Several amazing improv groups from all over the country are conveining at Dads Garage for a 4 night improvisplotion! And I'll be in a show there every night!
*Wife may or may not agree.
Here is the monster that I was inside of for 14 hours:
What of the Tiki Shack you ask? Here it is below:
Also go here and get tickets for the Last Seen Improv Festival this weekend. Several amazing improv groups from all over the country are conveining at Dads Garage for a 4 night improvisplotion! And I'll be in a show there every night!
*Wife may or may not agree.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter West
Like the Easter Bunny always says, "Eat your chocolate, or Jesus will hate you." Regardless of whether you ate your chocolate or not, Happy Easter.
Almost done with the hut. Just need to pimp it out with trim and juice. You can take that however you want.
Almost done with the hut. Just need to pimp it out with trim and juice. You can take that however you want.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Screening Process
I stapled up the screen today and I can't make a fist anymore. It's probably for the best because I'm always starting bar fights. I used three boxes of staples, literally hundreds of staples...LITERALLY!!!
Metal screening is evil. It looks all nice and smooth, but the edges will poke and prick the shitballs out of you when you lest expect it. It's like a defense mechanism. I have so many tiny holes in my fingers and palm now. Do you remember in the cartoons when a character would get all shot up then drink water and it would pour out of the holes? That's like my hands, only it's blood.
I'm thinking of taking off the word recognition filter, so the spambots can leave comments again, since none of you jerks do.
Metal screening is evil. It looks all nice and smooth, but the edges will poke and prick the shitballs out of you when you lest expect it. It's like a defense mechanism. I have so many tiny holes in my fingers and palm now. Do you remember in the cartoons when a character would get all shot up then drink water and it would pour out of the holes? That's like my hands, only it's blood.
I'm thinking of taking off the word recognition filter, so the spambots can leave comments again, since none of you jerks do.
This Old Hut
Talked to my neighbor again, and of course he told me I did my roofing wrong. In retrospect I knew I was doing it wrong, but I was so happy I got the roll roofing up the ladder without dying that I ignored my inner carpenter.
Facing the fact that a spent money on something that took me all day to do that I might have to respend the money then redo he job, ignited a 6 hour bout of depression. UNTIL I talked to my dad, who suggested the roll roofing in the first place, and he told me he did the same thing and to buy a 5 gallon buck of this stuff called Henry's roof seal. You basically roll it over the entire roof like paint and it seals the ever loving crap out of it. Problem solved, Nick undepressed.
Facing the fact that a spent money on something that took me all day to do that I might have to respend the money then redo he job, ignited a 6 hour bout of depression. UNTIL I talked to my dad, who suggested the roll roofing in the first place, and he told me he did the same thing and to buy a 5 gallon buck of this stuff called Henry's roof seal. You basically roll it over the entire roof like paint and it seals the ever loving crap out of it. Problem solved, Nick undepressed.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Not one, not two, but TWO videos today!!!!!
Got the rafters up AND got on the roof for the first time. It's been a big day, BIG I TELL YA!
Got the rafters up AND got on the roof for the first time. It's been a big day, BIG I TELL YA!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Shaping up
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Hammering nails all day isn't my idea of fun, but that's how I spent my Saturday. I guess being unemployed means every day is Saturday anyway. Nancy helped me raise the walls, not so bad for a girl. Afterward, we felt just like the Amish.
Weekend Update
Made a quick video of the progress today. Also made a number 2, but I won't post that up here don't worry.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Another Blog Entry
Hey guys, I put together a sort of mock up of what the screened in porch will look like yesterday, to get a better idea of how I will put it together. Here is a side view of the frame.

After doing a little research about framing walls and joists and crap like that, and seeing this mock up, I'm not as freaked out about the whole thing. I was a little scared about the walls and roof to be honest. It was holding construction back. But now I have a plan and I'm fired up!
Having the 2x4's delivered tomorrow. Not all of them, just working on the back wall to start.
Going on an open call audition Monday. I haven't auditioned for anything in a long time, but I'm not nervous about it at all. It will be nice to willingly be judged by people I don't know for a change. Fingers crossed.
I also enabled a word verification thingie in my comments section, suck on that spambots!

After doing a little research about framing walls and joists and crap like that, and seeing this mock up, I'm not as freaked out about the whole thing. I was a little scared about the walls and roof to be honest. It was holding construction back. But now I have a plan and I'm fired up!
Having the 2x4's delivered tomorrow. Not all of them, just working on the back wall to start.
Going on an open call audition Monday. I haven't auditioned for anything in a long time, but I'm not nervous about it at all. It will be nice to willingly be judged by people I don't know for a change. Fingers crossed.
I also enabled a word verification thingie in my comments section, suck on that spambots!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Suck My Deck
In the last video I said I couldn't decide if I wanted to start screwing on the deck. By that I don't mean having sex on it, although that would be awesome, I meant putting the decking onto the support structure. Well I decided at 5pm to start, and at 8pm I was done! Well.... almost done, I was short 2 12 foot deck boards, so I borrowed my sister-in-laws SUV, thanks Amy, and picked up the final pieces this morning.
A screw here and a screw there and BAM:
Now I have to figure out how to do the screened in porch.
On a personal note, I'm looking for writing/production coordinator work to help pay for, among other things, the deck and my mortgage. If any of my friends at studios out there know of some job openings send um my way. I love you guys!
A screw here and a screw there and BAM:
Now I have to figure out how to do the screened in porch.
On a personal note, I'm looking for writing/production coordinator work to help pay for, among other things, the deck and my mortgage. If any of my friends at studios out there know of some job openings send um my way. I love you guys!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Upper Decker
Been hard at work on the deck today, finished up the support beams for the decking and am ready to lay the floor!
My manly meter is quickly approaching Grizzly Adams.
My manly meter is quickly approaching Grizzly Adams.
I'll Deck You!
Was watching a commercial for the new "How to Train Your Dragon" movie, and the announcer said at the end, "In 3-D!" then he said really fast "Also showing in 2-D". I thought that was really funny for some reason. As if they had to do something special to the film to make it 2-D. Retro fitting it.
I guess we have rounded a corner where 3-D is more accepted. Regular old stinky 2-D is getting the backseat. I haven't actually seen ANY of the movies that have been realesed in 3-D, actually in 3-D yet. Nancy refuses to go and I could give two shits about wearing glasses during a movie so it looks like stuff is flying at my face. I have enough crap flying at my face for real. I feel like an old person that hates that darn loud rock-n-roll crap the kids are listening to these days.
I got a new baby brother for my circular saw today. They say you can tell alot about a man by the size of his drill bit.

If for some reason my brother-in-law reads this blog entry, which is highly unlikely because NOBODY reads this blog, he will notice I did have to buy a new drill. This is due to the fact that, yes, I did indeed kill your drill. It put up a good fight, but in the end the old girl couldn't manage. I buried her in the backyard. It was a very tasteful ceremony. Not the most expensive package they offered, but still tasteful.
Here is the fourth installment of the on going series about building a deck. Suck it Vila!
I guess we have rounded a corner where 3-D is more accepted. Regular old stinky 2-D is getting the backseat. I haven't actually seen ANY of the movies that have been realesed in 3-D, actually in 3-D yet. Nancy refuses to go and I could give two shits about wearing glasses during a movie so it looks like stuff is flying at my face. I have enough crap flying at my face for real. I feel like an old person that hates that darn loud rock-n-roll crap the kids are listening to these days.
I got a new baby brother for my circular saw today. They say you can tell alot about a man by the size of his drill bit.
If for some reason my brother-in-law reads this blog entry, which is highly unlikely because NOBODY reads this blog, he will notice I did have to buy a new drill. This is due to the fact that, yes, I did indeed kill your drill. It put up a good fight, but in the end the old girl couldn't manage. I buried her in the backyard. It was a very tasteful ceremony. Not the most expensive package they offered, but still tasteful.
Here is the fourth installment of the on going series about building a deck. Suck it Vila!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
A Full Deck
I'm extremely tunnel visioned when it comes to projects I start, almost to the point of OCD. It's been raining for two days causing the construction of the deck to grind to a hault. It's driving me crazy.
Here is the state the deck is in right now, minus the water:
I want to get out there and screw some wood onto those freaking posts!
I keep looking out the window and checking to see if my posts are OK, like a nervous father when his children are playing in the backyard alone for the first time. I get a sense of pride as I see my brave little solders all standing at attention. Nothing falters them, not even the pounding rain. They stand up straight, waiting to support their dads weight on hot summer nights. Stay ever vigilant my little ones, your time will come.
Got this at Home Depot this morning, daddy's first power tool.

The rain let up and I was able to cut the 4 inch pieces of 2"x4" needed for the deck. AT&T guy called and said he was on his way. We are ditching Comcrap and getting AT&T because they are leaps and bounds better. Weeeeeeee!
Here is the state the deck is in right now, minus the water:
I want to get out there and screw some wood onto those freaking posts!
I keep looking out the window and checking to see if my posts are OK, like a nervous father when his children are playing in the backyard alone for the first time. I get a sense of pride as I see my brave little solders all standing at attention. Nothing falters them, not even the pounding rain. They stand up straight, waiting to support their dads weight on hot summer nights. Stay ever vigilant my little ones, your time will come.
Got this at Home Depot this morning, daddy's first power tool.

The rain let up and I was able to cut the 4 inch pieces of 2"x4" needed for the deck. AT&T guy called and said he was on his way. We are ditching Comcrap and getting AT&T because they are leaps and bounds better. Weeeeeeee!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Decked Out
Here is another video yo!
Also, just watched Zombieland, not as great as everyone said, also not what I expected at all, but very good nonetheless. The trailers don't do it justice and give you a very false sense of the movie's voice. I had fun watching it and definitely recommend it. Two bitten off thumbs in my mouth up.
Also, just watched Zombieland, not as great as everyone said, also not what I expected at all, but very good nonetheless. The trailers don't do it justice and give you a very false sense of the movie's voice. I had fun watching it and definitely recommend it. Two bitten off thumbs in my mouth up.
Deck the Yard
Here is the first video sort of documenting the screened in porch I'm attempting to build.
Also going to put a new and improved cut of the Aqua Rangers up today. It will just rplace the one that is in the blog entry below this one. An editor friend of mine gave me some really constructive criticism and some good places to trim, and after throwing a baby tantrum I agreed with him. Now it's leaner and meaner.
Also going to put a new and improved cut of the Aqua Rangers up today. It will just rplace the one that is in the blog entry below this one. An editor friend of mine gave me some really constructive criticism and some good places to trim, and after throwing a baby tantrum I agreed with him. Now it's leaner and meaner.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Holy Enshortened Aqua Rangers!
Hi guys, I just finished editing down the Aqua Rangers from 47 minutes to 20 minutes. It took a lot longer than I wanted it to take. I also changed the timing of a lot of gags. It feels pretty good to me. I did it so I could submit it to a TV pilot festival.
If you have 20 minutes to kill check it out below:
Let me know what you think in the comments section. Also if you've never even heard of the Aqua Rangers, and want to buy the full length DVD complete with commentaries and some really funny behind the scenes and extra stuff, for the love of Pete click HERE!
If you have 20 minutes to kill check it out below:
Let me know what you think in the comments section. Also if you've never even heard of the Aqua Rangers, and want to buy the full length DVD complete with commentaries and some really funny behind the scenes and extra stuff, for the love of Pete click HERE!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Did you miss me?
Sorry, I lost my blog over a month ago and just found it under a pile of magazines on the coffee table. No doubt all of you are just dying to know what has been going on in my life for the past month. What was that? I couldn't hear you over the crickets.
I know there's no excuse for ignoring my blog, it's selfish and shallow. Just like having a blog in the first place. The show I was project managing was kicking my ass. The last thing I wanted to do when I got home was stare at a computer some more. Well, we finally finished the first season of Archer and are now on the dreaded hiatus. Good news is we got a second season, bad news is it doesn't start back up for another "unpaid" month.
This break will give me a chance to catch up on a few things, important things like blogging. After all, nothing is more important than informing the spam-bot that keeps leaving grammatically inept comments about financial security and comments in Japanese on my blog entries. I'm not deluded enough to think that anyone reads this damn thing and the only reason I'm doing a blog is to have a record of my life. When I get Alzheimers, I can read this blog and say, "Who the hell is this guy, and why is he so lame?"
Without further delay, here are a couple of things that have happened over the long blog break. I hope you are all seated with your safety harness firmly strapping you in, and please keep your hands and legs inside the blog at all time.
I applied for a job at a video game company recently. They required a 1500 word writing sample. I have a buddy that works there and he told me it should be space related, so I wrote an excerpt from a story/script hybrid. It was very sci-fi novel-ish. 1678 words, and a week later I got the old thanks but no thanks e-mail. I printed it out and pasted it on the wall of rejection letters, I've almost wallpapered the guest room at this point.
I had a lot of fun writing it though, and I've decided to actually write a shitty sci-fi pulp novel. I'm 2008 words in and its as good as one would expect. I'm planning to tinker with it each day when I don't have a hundred other things to do. It's not at the top of my list of projects to finish, but it is a good filler. Out of a fit of laziness I'm planning to write it blind, and by that I mean just go where the story takes me as I write. Lately I've been a hyper planner when it comes to writing, but this is just for fun, so screw it.
I have also decided to use some of my time off to build a screened in porch/tiki hut at the end of our yard. We have a creek behind our house and the thought of hanging out outside without some sort of proactive barrier frightens me, because the mosquitoes in Atlanta are as big as a Yugos and unionized. I plan to post little videos of the process so when I'm in court because I didn't apply for any permits from the city they will have an ironclad case against me.
Now here are random photos of things that have taken place over the past couple months. Some of them I have posted on facebook, but my mom doesn't have a facebook account so this is more for her. Hi mom.
Here I am as the village blacksmith in an episode of an improv show called Monster Movie at Dad's Garage. I ended up smelting an amazing sword so heavey no one could pick it up.

Nancy has been really good at teaching the dog tricks. Here Chewy is reading a book with Nancy. It's not THAT impressive, Chewy can only read at a 5th grade level.

I was in another show at Dad's called Murder She Improvised, which is an improvised murder mystery. This particular episode I was a bass fisherman named Skeet.

We took Chewy for a walk in Piedmont Park a while back and I found Santa's sleigh. We still haven't found his body and fear the worst.

This is from another Murder She Improvised, here I played championship wrestler Dusty Pancakes. I put on some weight for the role.

Remember the day it snowed? Everywhere?

They are rebooting the sitcom Home Improvement, this was my audition.

I had a cough for about two months. Instead of just ignoring it until I died, Nancy made me go to the doctor. He took a chest x-ray. Not on this machine, I had to stand in front of the wall next to this machine, but a picture of the wall wasn't as cool.

Apparently, according to this "doctor", I have high blood pressure. I was all like, "No I don't fuck you Doc!" Then he was like "No, Fuck you!" and I was like "Fuck you Doc." Then he put his cigarette out on my arm, and now you know what happens at my doctor when you spill paint in the garage.
There's this bad ass walking trail in our neighborhood. We had walked all the way to what we thought was then end of the trail about 7 months ago. We took another walk on it this past weekend and it seems like if we would have turned right and walked 20 more feet at the end of the trail the first time, we would have seen this:
It's a good thing we brought our spray paint, after tagging the wall we went back home.
That's all for now.... or is it? Here is a bonus video. My buddy Ricki Derek had a Christmas show in December. Unfortunately I couldn't make it down to be in the show, but I put together a little video segment for the show and it's safe to show now. Enjoy?
I know there's no excuse for ignoring my blog, it's selfish and shallow. Just like having a blog in the first place. The show I was project managing was kicking my ass. The last thing I wanted to do when I got home was stare at a computer some more. Well, we finally finished the first season of Archer and are now on the dreaded hiatus. Good news is we got a second season, bad news is it doesn't start back up for another "unpaid" month.
This break will give me a chance to catch up on a few things, important things like blogging. After all, nothing is more important than informing the spam-bot that keeps leaving grammatically inept comments about financial security and comments in Japanese on my blog entries. I'm not deluded enough to think that anyone reads this damn thing and the only reason I'm doing a blog is to have a record of my life. When I get Alzheimers, I can read this blog and say, "Who the hell is this guy, and why is he so lame?"
Without further delay, here are a couple of things that have happened over the long blog break. I hope you are all seated with your safety harness firmly strapping you in, and please keep your hands and legs inside the blog at all time.
I applied for a job at a video game company recently. They required a 1500 word writing sample. I have a buddy that works there and he told me it should be space related, so I wrote an excerpt from a story/script hybrid. It was very sci-fi novel-ish. 1678 words, and a week later I got the old thanks but no thanks e-mail. I printed it out and pasted it on the wall of rejection letters, I've almost wallpapered the guest room at this point.
I had a lot of fun writing it though, and I've decided to actually write a shitty sci-fi pulp novel. I'm 2008 words in and its as good as one would expect. I'm planning to tinker with it each day when I don't have a hundred other things to do. It's not at the top of my list of projects to finish, but it is a good filler. Out of a fit of laziness I'm planning to write it blind, and by that I mean just go where the story takes me as I write. Lately I've been a hyper planner when it comes to writing, but this is just for fun, so screw it.
I have also decided to use some of my time off to build a screened in porch/tiki hut at the end of our yard. We have a creek behind our house and the thought of hanging out outside without some sort of proactive barrier frightens me, because the mosquitoes in Atlanta are as big as a Yugos and unionized. I plan to post little videos of the process so when I'm in court because I didn't apply for any permits from the city they will have an ironclad case against me.
Now here are random photos of things that have taken place over the past couple months. Some of them I have posted on facebook, but my mom doesn't have a facebook account so this is more for her. Hi mom.
Here I am as the village blacksmith in an episode of an improv show called Monster Movie at Dad's Garage. I ended up smelting an amazing sword so heavey no one could pick it up.
Nancy has been really good at teaching the dog tricks. Here Chewy is reading a book with Nancy. It's not THAT impressive, Chewy can only read at a 5th grade level.
I was in another show at Dad's called Murder She Improvised, which is an improvised murder mystery. This particular episode I was a bass fisherman named Skeet.
We took Chewy for a walk in Piedmont Park a while back and I found Santa's sleigh. We still haven't found his body and fear the worst.
This is from another Murder She Improvised, here I played championship wrestler Dusty Pancakes. I put on some weight for the role.
Remember the day it snowed? Everywhere?
They are rebooting the sitcom Home Improvement, this was my audition.
I had a cough for about two months. Instead of just ignoring it until I died, Nancy made me go to the doctor. He took a chest x-ray. Not on this machine, I had to stand in front of the wall next to this machine, but a picture of the wall wasn't as cool.
Apparently, according to this "doctor", I have high blood pressure. I was all like, "No I don't fuck you Doc!" Then he was like "No, Fuck you!" and I was like "Fuck you Doc." Then he put his cigarette out on my arm, and now you know what happens at my doctor when you spill paint in the garage.
There's this bad ass walking trail in our neighborhood. We had walked all the way to what we thought was then end of the trail about 7 months ago. We took another walk on it this past weekend and it seems like if we would have turned right and walked 20 more feet at the end of the trail the first time, we would have seen this:
It's a good thing we brought our spray paint, after tagging the wall we went back home.
That's all for now.... or is it? Here is a bonus video. My buddy Ricki Derek had a Christmas show in December. Unfortunately I couldn't make it down to be in the show, but I put together a little video segment for the show and it's safe to show now. Enjoy?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I dun got interviewed Ya'll
A while back I was approached by a really cool animation site called Frederator. They wanted to feature one of my old animated films called Fetal Fury. I said hellz yeah. I sent them a good copy of it and forgot about it. After a couple months it made it's way onto the site, along with a tiny interview with yours truly.
If your really bored and you think that I have anything of merit to say about anything, check out the interview HERE.
Don't forget to watch Archer THIS thursday on FX at 9 pm or 10 pm, depending on you're time time zone.
If you read the interview leave a comment so it looks like people like me.
Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! It's not until Tuesday but I didn't want to miss it.
If your really bored and you think that I have anything of merit to say about anything, check out the interview HERE.
Don't forget to watch Archer THIS thursday on FX at 9 pm or 10 pm, depending on you're time time zone.
If you read the interview leave a comment so it looks like people like me.
Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! It's not until Tuesday but I didn't want to miss it.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
New Year, New Blog
First and foremost, I want to wish all of you the happiest of happy new years. 2010 it to win it!
Second and after foremost, ARCHER premieres this coming Thursday night, January 14th on FX. I've been working my fingers to the hypodermis on this damn show for the past 6 months. And guess what, it turned out pretty darn good. It's very adult and won't be everyones cup of tea, but who drinks tea anyway? Jerks right?
Be sure and watch it, or at the very least DVR that shit. It would be nice for it to get picked up for a second season.
Thirdly and post after foremost, my annual birthday party extravaspectacular is going down SATURDAY JANUARY 23rd!!! If you are in, near or have the means to fly into Atlanta, I'd love to see ya.

It will be a crazy night full of fun, cake, booze, improv, and dancing. The night starts at Dad's Garage, where I'm in an improv show called Murder She Improvised. Its a fun show. If you have told me repeatedly that you want to come see me perform, here's your chance to make good, whether you meant it or not. It would be nice to have an entire audience full of my friends, so I don't have to try as hard.
Dad's Garage Theater
280 Elizabeth Street Northeast
Atlanta, GA 30307-1967
(404) 523-3141
Right after the show we are heading to the bar under the Highland Inn, the Highland Ballroom for cake, booze and dancing. My good buddy Rene Dellefont will be spinning and it's a great place to hang out.
The Highland Inn/Ballroom
644 N Highland Avenue Northeast
Atlanta, GA 30306-7718
(404) 874-5756
Spread the word Atlantans and lest make this a 37 to remember, I only have two birthdays left until 2012 and the end of the world after all.
Second and after foremost, ARCHER premieres this coming Thursday night, January 14th on FX. I've been working my fingers to the hypodermis on this damn show for the past 6 months. And guess what, it turned out pretty darn good. It's very adult and won't be everyones cup of tea, but who drinks tea anyway? Jerks right?
Be sure and watch it, or at the very least DVR that shit. It would be nice for it to get picked up for a second season.
Thirdly and post after foremost, my annual birthday party extravaspectacular is going down SATURDAY JANUARY 23rd!!! If you are in, near or have the means to fly into Atlanta, I'd love to see ya.

It will be a crazy night full of fun, cake, booze, improv, and dancing. The night starts at Dad's Garage, where I'm in an improv show called Murder She Improvised. Its a fun show. If you have told me repeatedly that you want to come see me perform, here's your chance to make good, whether you meant it or not. It would be nice to have an entire audience full of my friends, so I don't have to try as hard.
Dad's Garage Theater
280 Elizabeth Street Northeast
Atlanta, GA 30307-1967
(404) 523-3141
Right after the show we are heading to the bar under the Highland Inn, the Highland Ballroom for cake, booze and dancing. My good buddy Rene Dellefont will be spinning and it's a great place to hang out.
The Highland Inn/Ballroom
644 N Highland Avenue Northeast
Atlanta, GA 30306-7718
(404) 874-5756
Spread the word Atlantans and lest make this a 37 to remember, I only have two birthdays left until 2012 and the end of the world after all.
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