Thursday, November 20, 2008

WTF Video

I shot a new video today, it was pretty hard to coordinate with just me here by myself, and it isn't exactly what I wanted, but it is really weird. Enjoy.


Nick Gibbons said...

I don't know why but I think this video is fucking hysterical, I can't stop watching it, is that wrong? I love the very end, it gets me every time.

tom said...

That was actually pretty genius, dude. I love it.

Nick Gibbons said...

I love you Tom.

Nick Gibbons said...

I'm reporting this breaking news here in the safe confines of my comments section, because apparently less people visit here than visit Jupiter. I just realized what that film is, it's the start of a new show, "Nick, Future Nick, Nick Clone, and Ghost of Nick Doing Stuff". Watch for it this fall! Oh shit it is fall, you better watch for it a little later than fall, like winter or something.