Wednesday, November 26, 2008

NFNRNCGN Episode 1

Happy Thanksgiving week everyone. With the economy so bad we may only be able to afford the turkey and the duck for our Turducken this year. It won't be the same, but times are hard and sacrifices must be made, virgin sacrifices.

Unfortunately for our landlady I haven't worked all week, but fortunately for you that means I can make videos. Maybe it's unfortunate for both of you. At any rate, I had an epiphany after making my last video and decided to turn it into a series. I shot the first episode yesterday and finally finished it up this morning. It turned out pretty good.

I got my buddy Ricki Derek's new album in the mail yesterday as well. Besides it sounding amazing, all my art design looked good. It's exciting to be a part of such a great project even if it's just photoshopinating stuff. You should totally buy the album, unless you haven't bought one of my DVD's. Do that first, then buy his album.

The best thing is, he covers the Cure's "Why can't I be like you" and the idea slapped me in the face like a drunk Willaim Shatner, to use the song as the theme for my new series. With Ricki's blessing I used his new version of the song and it's thematically perfect. Thanks Ricki, and thanks Robert Smith.

These are a bitch to shoot and edit, and I really would rather be using my free time to do paying work, but if things are slow I'll try and make some new episodes soon. Please let me know what you think in the comments section and if you like it, send it to your friends. Also fucking hire me to write for your show.


phlegmfatale said...

May we suggest Turducgeon, since pigeons are so plentiful and always are in season? I took out an entire squadron of flying rat as I ploughed down a street downtown while homeless people were throwing their soup-kitchen food out for them. I love the taste of cruelty in the morning.

I have a brilliant ideer for a cartoon for you.

tom said... the hell are you doing these? You must be spending all day on this?

Nick Gibbons said...

The whole thing from start to finish takes about 7 hours. Nothing to crazy. Each one is going to be a little more difficult, you'll see why.