Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Put this in your mouth

Found this in the store the other day. How dare they display such an obscene item? There were children in the store.

That's all i got today. Just thought all you jerks could use a little cock.

BTW, I'm holding a good recipe for beef stew in my left hand. We cooked it in the crock pot. If I would have bought this item I could have put cock in my crock. Screw Dr. Seuss, that shit ain't even hard at all.


Anonymous said...

i know that's all you have is a little cock. That's what Nancy told me, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Why would they only kill the cocks for that soup? Was it the chickens day off?

I'll get a photo for you of Kroger's granola bars called "sweet and salty nut". Now that's a treat that says lovin fo sure...

Reagan said...

I love me some warm cock on a rainy Seattle day!

Nick Gibbons said...

That explains the baby.

Anonymous said...

And it Jamaican too!

Ya man.