It seems like just yesterday I was blogging about Aaron's house in Seattle, and now here we are, moments away from Seal Beach. Seal Beach was our last stop on the West Coast Tour of 2007. We stayed with our friend Vanessa and her awesome sister Noel.
We left Ryan's place around 3 or 4 and found ourselves in the O.C. lickety split. Our first stop was a little California burger chain known as In and Out Burger.
We rolled up and ordered a Double Double Animal style and an order of fries Animal style as well. Dear sweet lord in heaven was this good. Both burger and fries were delivered to us slathered in chili, cheese and other things I can't remember at this point. Me and Nancy shared the burger and fries. We lapsed into a greasy coma and sank into the Kia satisfied.
Next stop, Vanessa and Noel's sweet apartment. It was literally 3 blocks form the beach. They lived in a little beach town that was only one mile long. This is the place me and Nancy want to move, does anyone have one million bucks we could borrow? This place was not to be believed. All the houses were so freaking cute and everyone pretty much keeps their doors unlocked at night. It was like a weird bizarro world.
Vanessa and her sister lived behind this place.
Vanessa was still at work so we decided to trot down to the beach for a bit until she got home.
This seagull could really shoot the curl!
We went for a walk in the neighborhood and looked at all the cute beach houses. I think they were all built by cartoon characters.
Someone at some point made this, and thought someone somewhere would someday buy it. Then one day, someone did.
There is no way an American Eagle could fit in this.
Best surfboard repair in the O.C.!
I'm the furthest thing from a car dude, but there were some pretty cool automobiles in the area.
Vanessa called and told us she was home so we went back to her place and showered the beach off us. All they had was pink towels, but my supreme manliness turned this pink towel totally straight.
Nancy, Vanessa, and I then went to a place that had fantastic fish tacos. Unfortunately on the way we found out how Vanessa could afford to live in such a ritzy neighborhood. She mugged my wife!
It was OK though, she paid for dinner. We went back to her place and Nancy, Vanessa and Noel let me do a read through of my One-Man show. They all loved it. That's right dudes, I had three hot chics all to myself eating out of my hand. I'M A ROCK STAR!
We hit the hay because we had to get up at 5:30am to make it to the airport the next day. We woke up, returned the rental car, and hopped on a plane back home.
All in all it was a pretty amazing trip. I still can't believe we did as much as we did in such a short time. Again my love and thanks goes out to all the friends that let us crash and toted us around. We had an absolutely fabulous time.
Thought I'd end it all with the photo that wraps the whole vacation up into a bow.
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