Saturday Oct. 20th at Ozona's 2 shows 8pm and 10pm.
We are having the live band and it should be tons of fun as always. And we can PROUD say that Britney Spears Will NOT be opening the show for us, thank God.
We will be having a huge sale on all our Merchandise as well. It's a perfect chance to pick up a couple copies of the Aqua Rangers, please, we have a whole lot of them taking up space in our spare room. Also pick up the Night-OH-Cabaret DVD, it's really fun and has some cute stuff on it. It's even better now for nostalgic reasons.

Please help us spread the world folks, see you in October!!!!!!
1 comment:
Hi Nick,
We'd like you to submit for distribution through Caachi "Aqua Rangers in the Perilous Pearl Pursuit". Caachi ( sells independent films online through video downloading.
If you want to distribute globally and sell your independent films directly to your fans, Caachi can help. With Caachi, you gain control over your film's distribution while getting the best contract terms available.
How it works: 1. we sell films for download, 2. we help market them online, 3. audiences buy films by downloading them, and 4. we pay you your royalties monthly.
By partnering with us:
* You keep 75% of the sales with no expenses deducted
* Non-exclusive contract - meaning you can work freely with others
* No fixed contract period - meaning you can decide to stop selling your film on Caachi at any time
* You set the selling price for your film
* Royalties are sent monthly by check (or to your PayPal account)
* Caachi will help market your film to targeted groups online
* Caachi bears all costs to deliver the film to the viewer (you then don't have to deal with DVDs and inventory issues)
* Films are shown in DVD-resolution as opposed to low resolution streaming video
* Caachi curates all film submissions so only quality, professionally-made independent films are on Caachi (so there is no user-generated content)
* Sales numbers sent monthly by email and Caachi's records are reviewable to ensure payments are correct
* Films quickly download over the Caachi network
* PC and Mac compatible and audiences can watch films on their computers,TV, and video iPod & iPhone
We began operations in 2007 but have gotten a tremendous response from the filmmaking community. We hope you'll join us in making independent film flourish on the Internet.
Interested or have questions? Feel free to contact us at, call us at (415) 794.5456, or send a DVD of your film along with a trailer for review to:
Caachi, Inc.
1387 18th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94122
You can also get more information about submitting your film at
Tom Hicks
T: 415.794.5456
F: 415.731.2845
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