I have a theory after living in New York for 5 years. Always know exactly where you're going, because if you just start walking around thinking you'll come across a place, you never ever ever will. I have tested this theory 15 times and it has always proved to be true. I have now discovered it holds true in other cities as well. After 30 minutes of driving, looking, arguing, driving, and trying to park; we found a quaint little restaurants in the gay part of town. Well, it was San Fran, so maybe I should say the "gayer" part of town.
After eating we high tailed it out of the city and made our way to our next host family, Nancy's Uncle Harlen and Aunt Lorraine. They live in a nice little suburb called Sunnyvale.
Here is Nancy taking a load off after we arrived.
We grabbed some shut eye, hopped out of bed the next morning, and were off for our adventurous day. Harlen is retired, but has taken up photography. He has some pretty amazing photos in his collection, and since we weren't going to be able to check out Yosemite's National Park, he took us to the Stanford Campus to see an art exhibit featuring famous photographers pictures of Yosemite. To say the Stanford campus was nice would be an understatement.
We entered the art museum on the campus and were greeted by a huge horse statue. At first glance it appeared to be constructed out of driftwood, but closer inspection revealed it was actually cast out of brass.
Piece of brass cast driftwood or poo, you decide.
The marble entrance to the museum was pretty awesome.
The next stop on the party train was a little tourist town on the beach called Half Moon Bay. It took at least 10 minutes to get there on a one lane twisty road. They took us to one of their favorite restaurants there. It was a little Italian place and it was delicious. Then we walked around the downtown area, and I wondered why every downtown area in every little tourist town has at least 4 antique/modern furniture stores. Do a lot of tourist pop in looking for couches to take back home with them? I'm pretty sure even the smallest easy chair wouldn't fit in my carry on.
After pondering these things we walked down to the beach area. The water was freezing cold and the cool breeze wasn't helping. There were tons of children swimming in the ice cold water, which just goes to show ya, kids are fucking stupid as shit.
I was practicing for my audition on Bay Watch the Next Generation.
After the beach, we drove to a little winery out in the middle of nowhere. There was a barn that had an amazing, huge bar inside. We were the only people there, and this 17 year old dude was giving us tastes of the various wines they offered.
They had barrels.
To end the day we stopped off at the largest Whole Foods in California, at least for 8 more months, that's when they finish building this other Whole Foods that will be even bigger. I don't know where they're finding all these dirty hippies to work there.
We grabbed some meat to have a cook out that night.
If you look closely you can see the ravenous bloodlust in my eyes, DADDY NEED MEAT! MEAT!!!!!!!!!
The cookout was great, but that wasn't the best part of the night. If you know me at all, you know I love me my Mojitos. Well, Lorraine not only had a lime tree in her backyard, but she had fresh mint growing in her herb garden. You better believe my Mojito radar was going off. A couple of minutes later I was sipping the freshest Mojita I had ever sipped.
After we ate it was off to bed to rest up for the next days journey to Monterrey.
To be continued...
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