I've been busier than a one armed man in some sort of contest that requires two arms to really have any chance at all of winning. I can't decipher who needs more attention, my wife, the dog, the job or the house. They all of coarse run a close second to myself. It's not really my fault, I am a narcissistic self absorbed artist after all.
Over the past couple of weeks we put up a fence in the backyard. The new fence partitions off a section of the yard where Nancy wants to plant a big garden. Plus that side of the yard had a picket fence in through which the dog had been planning a prison break every since we got her. Seriously, she's covered with tattoos of schematics.
Here are a couple snappy snaps of the fence building shenanigans:
Nancy "The Cement Mixer" Crowder
We didn't realize until it was too late that there was a big ol' tree trunk right where we needed to dig our last post hole. Here I am using all the wrong tools and all the wrong words to violently dig out a hole.
Nailing pickets to 2x4's is fun and not at all a pain in the ass.
When building a fence in the summer in Atlanta, this is your most important tool.
Nancy is a hypochondriac.
I dun it!
Now all I need is a midget version of Tim Allen to give advice to.
OK kids, I gotts ta write a script while I have some time on the old computing device. This is me saying, "I WILL fence you in damn-it!"
I guarantee you 100% that your gate is going to sag over time. The basics of structural engineering will require some form of a diagonal brace for a gate that is formed of pickets. I am not wanting this published, I just want to help. A wire from top inside (by post the gate is attached to) of the gate to the bottom outside, or a 2x4 from the top outside to the bottom inside will work and keep the gate from ever sagging, if done right.
I always wondered why gates had a diagonal 2x4 attached to them. Thanks. Also, why so formal?
Hidey-ho, neighbor Nick! I'm so proud of you. You are acting just like an adult: improving your home, owning a home, and trying to divide your time between your wife, home, and kids (or dog). Dog can be same as kids, you clean up poop, make sure they don't chew on the couch or hump your leg.
Thanks for the invisible fence comment. I actually have a much more effective way to keep the dog from escaping. I sit out on the deck and if the dog starts digging, I shoot it. Then I get another dog. It seems to work great, I haven't had one dog get out yet.
Thank you for this post, I really liked the way you covered the topic, thanks once again.
Still looking for more interesting posts on electric fences for dogs
Nice dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
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