Things have calmed down a little bit. Work is still crazy so I'm going to brake the trip up into several "entertaining" blog entries.
The first installment is called, "Pitcher's Mound".
I was going to California to pitch an animated show idea of mine to Nickelodeon. I've never pitched a show before and I was excited and scared. Sort of Scarcited.
After sending Nickelodeon some of my work and e-mailing them back and forth for about two months, they were finally ready to meet with me. Wanting to strike while the iron was hot, I told them the following week was fine with me. We agreed on a day and I bought my tickets that night. For some reason we scheduled my stay from Monday to the following Tuesday. I guess our thinking was I could try and set up other meetings. I realized soon thereafter, that wasn't a remote possibility, and now I was stuck in California for 8 days.
We weren't too worried about my lengthy stay, because my good friend Ryan lives in L.A. and I was planning on crashing with him. That's until I called him and he said he had just quit his job and was on a 30 day train trip around the country. The only other friend I had close to L.A. was Vanessa, who lives in the OC with her sister Noelle. That's 45 minutes from L.A. with no traffic.
She was more than happy to let me stay with her, so I now had a place to crash. Vanessa lives in Seal beach 3 blocks from the water, not to shabby.
I had 5 days to whip my pitch into shape, put together the artwork, and plan my attack. The most important thing I had to do before the trip however, was go see the doctor. I'm not what you would call a "good flyer". Me no likey to ride in planes, so me get magic pills from doctor make me feel better.
I usually get a couple of Xanex from my Doc and every thing's fine. I have a new doctor and she doesn't like the Xanex. She prescribed me something that began with an L, I can't remember the name.
Monday finally rolled around and after talking to 7 different people about pitching shows, and getting 7 different pieces of advice, I was thoroughly confused and ready to go.
I rode MARTA to the airport. It was my first time on the Atlanta subway, and my first time on any subway in about 6 months. Here comes my train...
This hovering space craft kept trying to probe me in the MARTA station.
I got to the airport in one piece and was a bit peckish. I decided what better food to eat right before you are about to be in a sealed confided space sitting beside people you don't know for four hours than this...
Here is a great shot of my bird and my dog.
The guy next to me on the plane had pretty bad BO. If he just sat there it was OK, but if he moved around he stirred it up. I didn't care though, because whatever the doc gave me was working pretty good as you can see...

This was my favorite thing on the plane. You could see how much longer you had and where you were.
I arrived in at John Wayne Airport. As requested in his will, John Wayne was bronzed and now his molten corps now rests in the lobby of this airport.
At this point it was 9pm and I was still pretty wobbly from the airplane pills. Lessons learned this night, don't drive rental car and try to figure out GPS devise after taking anxiety pills. Needless to say Vanessa coached me to her apartment via cellular devise, which is now illegal in California by the way.
More to come...
Oh boy. I can tell this is gonna be good. I can't wait to hear the rest. I'm on pins and nipples.
BTW, you misspelled excited, its not exited. douche.
Sam, I fixed it, and that's Mr. Douche.
I don't care how busy you've been , or are at this moment. I need you to get your ass back to blogging. This two paragraph tease after several weeks just isn't going to cut it.
love, ya...
I agree with Dicky, Mr. Douche
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