Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Planes Hate Me

Happy New Year everyone!

Me and the wife went to Texas last week to spend a wonderful week with our loving relatives during the festive time known as Christmas. We flew in Christmas Eve and flew back New Years Eve because when we tried to move the dates of our plane reservations in any other direction, it practically doubled the ticket price.

Flying in on Christmas Eve wasn't so bad, in fact it was amazingly simple. We left at like 6pm and there was no one in the airport at that time. It was nice and relaxing. The plane ride was great and we actually took off and landed right on time.

Coming back was the one that sucked big red inflamed camel balls. Because we were trying to save money on our tickets, we got saddled with the delightful return home time of 7:55 pm with a scheduled arrival time in New York City of 11:59pm... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I have to say, the flight was really smooth. We took off on time and the steward person even gave us a free drink because it was New Years. I know you can all sense a problem coming up right? Why the heck would I be talking about another flight in my blog if it went great right? Where's the fun in that?

Here's the problem. We get to New York and start our decent. As we got closer to the ground the plane starts speeding up and slowing down. Next we notice we are not approaching the ground any more, but instead, climbing. That's when Nancy looks at me, her paranoid scared husband, and says, "That doesn't feel right."

Thanks Nancy.

After a minute or two the Captain comes on the speaker. He's very calm and sound like he's taken half a bottle of Valium. He informs us all that the "Landing Flaps" aren't working and they are going to try to fix them and land again. After about 5 minutes he comes back on and tells us that they can't seem to get them to work, so we have to land at JFK. Nancy tells me it's because the landing strip at La Guardia is to short. The pilot tells us it's the prudent thing to do to land at JFK and that the situation is fluid. I still don't know what a "fluid situation" meant. He must have been talking about the piss in my pants. Each time the pilot talks over the speaker, he ends his information with, "So as you can imagine, it's pretty busy up here."

About 15 minutes later we are at JFK and approaching the ground. We land without much incident, however all along the sides of the landing strip were fire engines, ambulances, and cop cars. The landing seemed fine.

It totally sucked to be at JFK at 1 am, but at least we didn't crash into the ocean. Good with the bad I suppose. We grabbed our bags hopped in a cab. 60 bucks later we were home at 2 am.

I know it's going to be a good year, because I survived the first 30 minutes.

I'll have a bunch of new picture blogs soon, but we are moving right now and that is taking up my blogging time.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad you two survived New Year's Eve. I sat safely in my home playing UnoAttack and eating homemade chicken pot pie. I love the "fluid situation" line. GENIUS!! I literally laughed out loud. Let me know when you get to Hot-lanta!

Anonymous said...

The least the could have done is let you go down the slides on your exit. That would have been awesome!

Reagan said...

where are you moving? Aaron doesn't tell me anything!